Ziemer Products
Recently has been amazing progress in diagnosis and surgical tools available to ophthalmologists. This progress will continue for years as the excitement of new technologies that provide the basis for innovative products that will have a more effective diagnosis and more treatment options.
Ziemer Group is a Swiss company, known as one of the active players in this exciting field, because its activities are focused exclusively on ophthalmology.
Pascal Tonometers
• The PASCAL Dynamic Contour Tonometer (DCT) is a digital contact tonometer for ophthalmological applications.
• GALILEI™, the leading optical anterior segment tomography system based on the unique simultaneous Dual Scheimpflug / Placido 3D imaging concept, just gets even better as Ziemer is proudly introducing the new G2 series.
Maxwell Aberrometer
• Maxwell Aberrometer is an innovative diagnostic instrument with a wide range of functions that permit eye care practitioners and researchers to effectively assess all of the wavefront aberrations present in a subject’s eye.